Mrs. McKeown's Poetry
30 Days of Poetry - Day 2


Why Bother With Poetry
A Concrete or Shape poem
Free Verse or Unrhymed Poem
A Student's Poem
Stump the Teacher
My Poem
Poetry References
Poet Study - Poems
Poet Study - Biography
Poet Study-Jack Prelutsky
International Poet
Native American Poet
Naoshi Koriyama (extra)
Asian American Poet
Hispanic/Latino Poet
Gary Soto extra
African American Poet
Picture Book
Social Studies
Poem /Sung
Two Groups
Lee Bennett Hopkins
Douglas Florian
Judith Viorst
Jack Prelutsky 2
Jack Prelutsky
Shel Silverstein
Folk Poem
Song Lyrics
Classic Poetry
Mother Goose
Picture Book Poem
Arthur Guiterman

Synonym Poetry:
Choose any word. Write that word in capital letters on the first line.  In a thesaurus look up the word and find three to five synonyms for it.  Write the synonyms on the second line. On the third line, write a descriptiver phrase about the word.  The last two lines of the poem should rhyme. Click here for WWWebster(TM) Thesaurus
Student examples:
Attachment, adoration, warmth, adore
Love is so pure, right down to the core.
---Kimiko Brantley (Grade 10)
Clamor, uproar, hullabaloo
These things can really annoy you.
---Shasta Inman (Grade 9)