Mrs. McKeown's Poetry
Douglas Florian


Why Bother With Poetry
A Concrete or Shape poem
Free Verse or Unrhymed Poem
A Student's Poem
Stump the Teacher
My Poem
Poetry References
Poet Study - Poems
Poet Study - Biography
Poet Study-Jack Prelutsky
International Poet
Native American Poet
Naoshi Koriyama (extra)
Asian American Poet
Hispanic/Latino Poet
Gary Soto extra
African American Poet
Picture Book
Social Studies
Poem /Sung
Two Groups
Lee Bennett Hopkins
Douglas Florian
Judith Viorst
Jack Prelutsky 2
Jack Prelutsky
Shel Silverstein
Folk Poem
Song Lyrics
Classic Poetry
Mother Goose
Picture Book Poem
Arthur Guiterman

Give each student a magazine or newspaper and have them cut out pictures of as many animals as they can find. Find some examples of alphabet picture books and share them with the students. Read the following poem from Douglas Florian and discuss the poem and rhyming patterns.

The Gorilla


A gentle giant
Blessed with grace...
It's stilla
Don't get in it's face.

--Douglas Florian--

from Mammalabilia (Harcourt,inc.,2000)

As a class, brainstorm different animals from A-Z. Assign each student one animal. If there are more than 26 students, there can be more animals with the same letter of the alphabet. If there are extra, let the teacher join in.Each student can write a four line poem about their animal. Compile the poems into an alpabet book to share with a neighboring elementary school.